joi, 5 iunie 2008

Love at first sight

Do you belive in love at first sight? I do. It is the feeling that can’t be explained. That feeling whici starts with fizical attraction. After a conversation with that boy I begin to discover him. It all started with a laughter. He made me laugh, for good, for real. It’s that feeling when you what him just for his looks, you want him really bad but something stops you from doing it, at first. It is important to discover him on the way, step by step, little by little. I have found love. Yes, love at first sight. After a few conversations, it all began. Love. For real. I started discovering his qualities, his personality, his ambitions, his mentality…him… for the first time I didn’t feel afraid. I felt good. I felt like I belonged somewhere. Like I have found my soulmate. He amazes me every step of the way. He wants to know everything about me, every little detail, my fears, my qualities,my mistakes…everything. I like it. It’s amazing how two people can connect, how God made them so alike. If I wouldn’t have gone to that party, would we have found each other? Would we have met and fallen in love?
We often have the feeling we have fallen in love with a person from the first time we saw him or her. But in 95% of the cases we just liked a lot how that person looked like. We didn’t fall in love because love isn’t that simple. I don’t care if it is considered to be old fashion…as long as I’m happy, I don’t care what others say or think.

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